Welcome to the latest edition of
Favourite Things!
Wow! What happened to May???
April seemed to last forever, but now I'm shocked that June is just around the corner!
Fortunately, I still managed to discover a few awesome things over the last few weeks...
Here are my
Favourite Things - May Roundup!

#2. From The Ashes - Jesse Thistle's striking memoir brought to mind Tara Westover's incredible Educated. His childhood of brokenness and addiction filled me with shock and anger. But as I'm reading it, I had to feel hope. After all, I know that this abused child grows up to become this eloquent writer. With each page, I marvelled at both the deep flaws in our society's systems, and the immense resiliency of the human spirit.
#3. Garden Centres Are OPEN!!! - for most people, this is just a normal spring activity, but for me, this is a rare pleasure! Normally, we're on the road right now. In the 5 years since we've owned our home, I've never been able to plant my garden before late June! I'm seeing flowers bloom in my garden that I've literally never been able to witness in person!
An unexpected blessing of lockdown...
#4. Crustless Quiche - we've managed to avoid the very decadent lockdown-bread-baking trend, but I'm pretty obsessed with this delicious, healthy recipe!
#5. The Beautiful Promise - okay, this one is a bit biased, but it's still one of my very favourite things! We've had so many amazing gifts of ministry support over the last few months, that we decided to create our own gift of thanks! Four very special songs, all sharing the promise of God's love and faithfulness.
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These are my Favourite Things for May!
Have you tried any of these?
What new things have you fallen in love with this month?
Please share in the comments below...
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