(This Lent, my Dad, Rev. Hollis Hiscock, and I are co-blogging! You can find our posts every Monday at my Blog and Dad’s Blog. Visit, comment, share, and most importantly, feel free to join us in the journey.)
As we study the Gospels (as recommended last week),
we see countless examples of Jesus helping those around Him:
If they needed to speak, He stopped and listened.
If they were sick, He healed them.
If they needed knowledge, He taught them.
As we move into the book of Acts, we see how the newly formed ‘church’ used their time, talent, and treasures to help those in their communities who were without.
So as we start to grow in our faith, we are encouraged to follow the model of Christ and His followers in helping those around us.
We posted the question,
“How do you use your time, talents, or treasures
($$$ or resources) to help those around you?”
on several Facebook forums.
Here are some of our responses (edited for space):
My friends and I sing at three different senior homes once a month (volunteering). When there are needs, I pray for people whom I do not know ... I teach children from low income families free piano lessons. I drive widows to grocery shopping or doctor's appointments ... I donate money to support (music) ministries.
I work at a hospital, changing undergarments, checking vitals, making my patients happy.
I volunteer with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (Canada). We prepare (free) income tax returns for people with limited income. I expect to complete between 75-100 during March and April, 2012.
I'm part of a team of pastoral visitors at St. Christopher's Church, and I help with our senior's luncheons.
I write and create art daily for my blog that inspires others … I tithe to my church; I give to causes like the SPCA and the United Way. This evening, I spent a few hours to support and comfort friends who lost their mother.
I teach art to adults … I welcome people to the Library and help them find what they need ... I make great signage that informs, instructs, directs to support others in finding what they are looking for! I smile a lot and spread sunshine wherever I go! :)
One person finished their response with this:
I am just sharing God's blessings and
all glory goes to our Lord Jesus Christ.
We encourage you to take a few moments today to think about your time, treasure, and talents, and how you might use them to help those in your community or abroad.
This is the final post for our Growing Through Lent co-blog.
Thank you for joining us on our Lenten journey!