Just over a year ago, we left the comforts of our church staff position to take Infinitely More on the road full-time. 2014 was our first complete year of touring and recording, and it only seems fitting on this
New Year's Eve to take a look back on this very full 12 months...
Here, in chronological order, are our Top Ten Moments of 2014:
#1. Musicians In Residence

#2. First Day In The Studio
No matter how much pre-production you do, there's nothing as exciting as the first day in the studio. Hearing our amazing Nashville session players get their hands on our songs left us as giddy as kids in a candy store.
#3. The Civil Rights Museum
We can't recommend this enough. If you visit Memphis, spend an afternoon at the Civil Rights Museum. You will be shaken and inspired by the generations of people who stood up for humanity.
#4. Time With Long Distance Friends
One of the best perks of a touring ministry - we were able to see friends in Nashville, Tennessee, Little Rock, Arkansas, and all across Canada's beautiful East Coast!
#5. Getting The CDs
After months of writing, recording, traveling, mixing, mastering, and the thousand other steps involved in making a CD, it was an amazing moment to open the boxes and actually hold the CDs in our hands.
#6. East Coast Tour
Our biggest tour to date! 9 weeks, 5 provinces, 8300 KM, and over 30 events, all filled with incredible moments and beautiful memories.
#7. Watching Concerts Turn To Worship
We deliberately plan our concerts to be entertaining and welcoming to folks on all stages of their faith walk, but on more than one occasion this year, hearts opened and hands raised as a simple night of music turned into a powerful night of worship. We were so blessed by these amazing audiences!
#8. Teaching Workshops
#9. Rocky Harbour
In the middle of our 9-week East Coast Tour, we took 3 nights off in beautiful Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland. With perfect weather and a scarcity of tourists, we were free to explore the community and meet some wonderful folks. On our last night, we walked the beach, watched the brilliant sunset, and even sung our new song. A wonderful respite and a reminder of the importance of quiet time...
#10. Releasing Our First Radio Single
This Christmas, we released our first Infinitely More radio single - Tonight, Everywhere Is Bethlehem. It was awesome to imagine folks across the country listening to our song as part of their holiday celebrations. It was particularly exciting to get Facebook messages from friends saying "I just heard you on the radio!!!"
What a year! We feel deeply called to the ministry of Infinitely More. It's a challenging path, but we can only do it with the love and support of each of you. Thank you for supporting our music and ministry by inviting us into your churches, purchasing CDs, attending our concerts, hosting us in your homes, keeping us in prayer, and joining us on this journey.
THANK YOU for an amazing 2014!
We're looking forward to 2015!
May you remember 2014 with thanksgiving,
and may 2015 bring you peace, love, faith, and joy!
Happy New Year!!!
Worship Wednesdays is a weekly series to encourage and equip worship leaders and songwriters. Bookmark this page visit us every Wednesday!
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