Today we feature a guest post by my husband and partner in all things
Infinitely More - Gerald Flemming.
By Gerald Flemming
Embracing a vision can be a difficult and frightening thing. When your calling appears to you, when you feel it in your heart and there’s that undeniable pull towards the light, what do you do?
Do you throw yourself without delay into the abyss hoping that it is the real deal?
Do you deny and continue on your current path?
Or maybe you find that copacetic middle ground that neither commits nor denies,
but seeks with curiosity?
It’s amazing that God’s limitless patience and grace has space for all three of those choices. And as we walk down those separate roads there always seems to be constant and quiet reminders that seek to turn us toward a singular purpose. Sometimes it’s people who walk into our lives and whisper the right story that catches us at the right moment. Sometimes it’s a piece of sermon or song, or psalm that seems to speak directly to us.
It’s possible that the moment that turns you towards the light ends up being more abstract.
A detail in a painting.
A stanza in a piece of poetry or fiction.
A moment of unspeakable natural beauty and silence
where the Voice is undeniable in its approach to your heart.
And in an instant we are offered that deep breath of perfect knowing.

For us, the privilege of finally doing a concert here, in this ‘House Where Prophets Speak’, is just another glorious encouragement. It’s another whisper from the Voice, that we are on the path that was waiting for us.
And that we can completely and totally trust this undeniable pull towards the light.
Worship Wednesdays is a weekly series to encourage and equip worship leaders and songwriters. Bookmark this page visit us every Wednesday!
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