The last time I used the purse was several years ago on our anniversary. We spent the weekend puttering around Niagara Falls in the chill of February. Not only is this one of the most beautiful times to see the Falls in their icy majesty, but it's also wonderfully quiet. Every restaurant has a table for you, and the shops are almost empty.
One night, we went out for a special dinner (thus my rarely used fancy purse) and spent the latter part of the evening strolling through some seasonally quiet stores in the building that houses the Niagara Casino. We found a store selling 'Life is good' products and spent a fair bit of time investigating their wares and picking up a few favourites. Since the store was quiet, we got into a conversation with the sole staff member on duty.
I can't remember what we were talking about, but I remember the moment the conversation turned. It was when we said we were Christian musicians. We could see something shift in this woman. We stopped talking about trivialities and she started to quietly share her story. She spoke of a broken relationship with her son, and the countless prayers lifted that he might find his way back to God and back to her. As she spoke, we would tell these were words that had been bursting for a voice. We simply stayed still and let her speak.
She stopped for a breath and took a look at us, waiting to see if her words would be received with love. And then, in the middle of this clothing store, surrounded by the Niagara Casino, we offered a little prayer. Nothing fancy or showy. Just a simple prayer for hope and healing.
As we left, we were amazed and humbled about how God had placed us in that quiet store on that particular night. We were reminded of the deep needs of everyone we meet. And we were moved by this women's trust in us, and the courage to share her story with strangers.
When I found the card this week, these memories came rushing back to me. Then I flipped the card over, and found this:
"There are always flowers for those who want to see them."
There are always opportunities to share God's love for those who want to see them too.
Let's look for them daily...
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