Thursday, November 07, 2024

Talking To Strangers At Niagara Falls

Yesterday, I took a walk by our most famous neighbour - Niagara Falls. 

The power and beauty of Niagara Falls.

I always marvel at the range of people who gather by the Falls.
All ages, all races, all languages …
Multi-generational families, bustling tour groups, dreamy-eyed couples …
Yesterday, I even saw a tour bus of Buddhist monks in their gorgeous saffron robes. 

Over the years, taking photos for people, I always ask where they’re from. They love to share the story of what brought them there, how it’s been a lifelong dream to visit. 

No matter where people are from or what their life has brought them,
everyone stands in wonder in the mist of the Falls.

On yesterday’s visit, I detoured into the souvenir store. As I made a small purchase, I casually said to the cashier, “I guess you meet people from all over the world working here?” 

What a cliched question! I felt silly the moment I asked it.

Someone told this little guy to "Guard the Falls!",
and he was taking his job seriously!

“Oh, yes!” She beamed. “I’ve met people from Asia, Europe, the Southern States, all over Canada …”

She proceeded to list countries and parts of the world with a huge smile on her face. Finally, she showed me her lanyard. It was heavy with various enamelled pins and charms.

“I buy extra pins from the store and keep them here. Then, when I meet children or people from far away, I give them a pin to take home for themselves or for someone who couldn’t make the trip. And see, they sometimes give me pins back!”

She slid her fingers over the shiny trinkets, each imbued with a special memory.

“Australia has become very special to me ...” She told me about an Aussie woman who fell in love with Canada’s maple trees and wondered if she could buy a maple leaf cookie cutter for her Christmas baking. They didn’t have any in the store, so this cashier offered to send her an extra set that she had at home! Long story short, they now exchange Christmas cards, and she’s hoping to visit her family some day.

All of this from just being friendly. From asking strangers, 
“Where you from? How’s your day going?”

What a lesson for all of us! 

We often talk about the ministry of our CD table, of the many stories that have been graciously shared with us because a song we sang opened a door with someone. 

The desire to connect with one another is deeply ingrained in each of us. Our fast-paced world doesn’t always encourage us to slow down and just chat, but these are moments when magic can happen. When we can see and be seen. Where our common humanity rushes to the surface and we can no longer deny - we are all connected. 

As her story came to an end, she reached up on her lanyard.
“We’ve had such a nice chat; I’d like to give you a gift.”

My gifted pin...

She detached a small Niagara Falls pin, featuring the iconic rainbow and horseshoe of the Canadian falls.

“This is so you can remember your visit here today. And I hope you always enjoy your travels, wherever they take you!”

I felt humbled by the tiny gift. I pinned it on the collar of my jacket, and after saying goodbye and thank you, walked back outside, into the crowd of people taking selfies and marvelling at the wonder of the Falls …

And reminded, once again,
of why I love talking to strangers.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Our Hearts are Broken...

Yesterday, we said good-bye to our sweet Dante.

For 17 years, he filled our lives with unbelievable amounts of love.
When we moved to Nashville, we could tell Sebastian was getting lonely, so we started to look for a little brother.
We visited a house filled with puppies, but this one feisty little guy walked right up to Gerald and started nibbling his fingers.
Love at first sight ❤️❤️
Dante considered it his job to love everyone, unconditionally.
He never met a dog or human that he didn’t greet with kisses and dances.
He knew when you were sad or suffering in any way.
He was just so, so, so good.
Two years ago, we lost Sebastian. We could sense Dante’s loneliness.
That’s when our sweet Max came to live with us.
At first Dante didn’t know what to make of this little whirlwind.
But before long, Dante and Max became their own loving duo.
Dante taught Max the joy of wandering the garden and cuddling together in their blankets.
Max reintroduced Dante to dancing, silliness, and play.
This summer, Dante celebrated his 17th birthday.
Everyone remarked on his good health, bright eyes, and happy spirit.
But three weeks ago, things started to change.
At first, they were issues we could address with care.
Last Tuesday, he took a turn for the worse, and we knew the end was near.
For six days, we smothered him in love.
Yesterday, we said good-bye.
This has come upon us so quickly. We’ve had no time to process, no time to grieve. 
We know it was the loving decision, but still, we are deeply, deeply sad.

But here are the two things I’ve been clinging to in the last few days:

Dante literally made the world a better place just by loving.
I pray that we can all hold on to that and follow his precious example.
Whether you think they deserve it or not.
Love is never wasted. It only makes things better.

And, there are more stories of Dante’s sweetness than we can ever remember.
But last year, I had the chance to write one of those stories for the Guideposts devotional “All God’s Creatures”. Next year, on March 3, thousands of people will be reminded of how much God loves them, all because of Dante.

And that’s the legacy he would have wanted:

Play often. 
Nap with intensity. 
Spend time in the garden.
❤️ Love everyone ❤️
❤️ Love everyone ❤️
❤️ Love everyone ❤️

PS - Please keep us in prayer! We’ve pushed our departure date until Thursday to give us an extra day, but we’d tired, overwhelmed, and heartbroken. Please pray for our grief and for our tour preparations. And please lift a little prayer for Max who’s lost his brother and will now have 5 weeks without us.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Friends, We Want Your Help!

 For the last 15 years, we’ve ecstatically toured Canada. 

We’ve been blessed with the honour of sharing the Gospel of Christ in hundreds of churches in over 30 different denominations. We’ve partaken in Spirit-led worship, taught songwriting and blended worship workshops, and heard the heart-cry and prayers of an entire country. 

And now, we feel God is calling us to something else.

Still ministry. Still Infinitely More. But different.

Friends, we’re feeling the call to return to regular church ministry.

There are practical reasons for this, but last winter, when we did a worship residency here in St. Catharines, we both realized that we’d missed that steady church rhythm. 

So, we’re feeling the call to pivot once again…

We are actively seeking a music director position at a church.

We’re passionate about creating blended worship that appeals to all generations.

We’d love to start and/or grow a music team of singers and instrumentalists.

Given our lifetime of skills, we’re also well suited to a church interested
in a multi-arts program that includes other kinds of creative expression. 

We’re open to full-time or part-time with some flexibility,
to allow us to work on other projects and do some touring.

Ideally, we’d love to stay in the Niagara region,
but we’re open to relocating for the right opportunity to serve. 

How can you help?

First, we know many church jobs aren’t advertised but come from relationships and word of mouth.
If your church will be looking for a new music director in the next year,
please connect us with your church leadership.

And second, please join us in prayer, that we will find a position in a healthy church where we can offer our gifts in a supportive and enthusiastic environment.

This is about to be a huge transition for us,
but we are confident in God’s calling to this next chapter! 

Please contact us with any questions or referrals!

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

In The Final Breath of the Day

 The water is calm, the camp is quiet, the dark is almost upon us

And we find ourselves here ...

In the stillness

In the silence

In the midst of the Creator's handiwork

In the final breath of the day

We find ourselves

Giving thanks ...

For this place ...  this day ...  this moment ...


Words & Photo by Allison Lynn Flemming

Written & Photographed at Elim Lodge on the shores of Pigeon Lake, ON

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Book Review - The Warsaw Sisters, by Amanda Barratt

"How's the book you're reading?" 

"Absolutely devastating. But really beautiful, too."

Today, I'm honoured to review
The Warsaw Sisters,
by Amanda Barratt.

Here's the publisher's blurb:

On a golden August morning in 1939, sisters Antonina and Helena Dąbrowska send their father off to defend Poland against the looming threat of German invasion. The next day, the first bombs fall on Warsaw, decimating their beloved city and shattering the world of their youth.

When Antonina's beloved Marek is forced behind ghetto walls along with the rest of Warsaw's Jewish population, Antonina turns her worry into action and becomes a key figure in a daring network of women risking their lives to shelter Jewish children. Helena finds herself drawn into the ranks of Poland's secret army, joining the fight to free her homeland from occupation. But the secrets both are forced to keep threaten to tear the sisters apart--and the cost of resistance proves greater than either ever imagined.

Shining a light on the oft-forgotten history of Poland during WWII and inspired by true stories of ordinary individuals who fought to preserve freedom and humanity in the darkest of times, The Warsaw Sisters is a richly rendered portrait of courage, sacrifice, and the resilience of our deepest ties.

There were times I wanted to close the cover and not read another page, but at the same time, I just couldn't put this book down.

Amanda takes us from the absolute start of the war until just past its ending. Month by month, season by season, we relentlessly follow the journey of our two heroines. No pain is hidden from us, their witnesses. 

Even more gut-wrenching is the realization that these fictionalized stories are rooted in real history. The narrative is made up, but the truth of the war in Poland is not. For many families, these stories are their family history. I have no doubt the echos still resonate.

And at the same time, this is a book of family, hope, and redemption.

This is my first Amanda Barratt novel, but it won't be my last. I truly loved every page - her writing, her characters, her storytelling, and her historical details were riveting, compelling, and even in the darkest moments, breathtaking. 

The Warsaw Sisters isn't an easy read, but it is a worthy read.
I highly recommend it!

Amanda's site has lots of resources, including FREE kits for book clubs! 

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 

Book Review - The Lost Boys of Barlow Theater by Jaime Jo Wright

Since I started reviewing books, I've become a super-fan of a few select authors, and Jaime Jo Wright is definitely one of them!

Thankfully, she's uber-prolific!

Jaime Jo is a Christian writer with a deep love of ghost stories, gothic settings, and all kinds of creepy historical settings. I'm definitely not a horror fan, but I loooove her spooky, suspenseful storytelling!

Today, I'm excited to share her latest creation:

The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater

Here's the publisher's blurb:

It promises beauty but steals life instead. Will the ghosts of Barlowe Theater entomb them all?

Barlowe Theater stole the life of Greta Mercy's eldest brother during its construction. Now in 1915, the completed theater appears every bit as deadly. When Greta's younger brother goes missing after breaking into the building, Greta engages the assistance of a local police officer to help her unveil the already ghostly secrets of the theater. But when help comes from an unlikely source, Greta decides that to save her family she must uncover the evil that haunts the theater and put its threat to rest.

Decades later, Kit Boyd's best friend vanishes during a ghost walk at the Barlowe Theater, and old stories of mysterious disappearances and ghoulish happenings are revived. Then television ghost-hunting host and skeptic Evan Fisher joins Kit in the quest to identify the truth behind the theater's history. Kit reluctantly agrees to work with him in hopes of finding her missing friend. As the theater's curse unravels Kit's life, she is determined to put an end to the evil that has marked the theater and their hometown for the last century.

The fictional Barlowe Theater is inspired by the real life Al. Ringling Theatre (see photo below). On Jaime Jo's social media, she took time to explore the real theatre and share some of its beauty and legends.

I spent the first decade of my career as an actor-singer, so the theatre setting caught me right away. Who hasn't gotten lost in the depths of an old theatre and wondered if you might ever find your way out again?

This story completely sucked me in! I loved the mood, the story, the intrigue, the setting, and the characters. 

Jaime Jo has a gift for creating twisty stories
with deeply satisfying endings,
and this tale is no exception!

I highly recommend The Lost Boys of Barlow Theater.

Jaime Jo Wright has a great newsletter and lots of social media content!

You can connect with her at

Photo from

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.