Welcome to the latest edition of
Favourite Things!
Wow! What a difference a month makes...
When I started this series in February, I thought my Favourite Things for March
might include a few new books and perhaps an early "tasting" of Easter chocolate.
might include a few new books and perhaps an early "tasting" of Easter chocolate.
Who knew we would find ourselves in the middle of a worldwide pandemic?
None of us are unaffected.
We're all suffering in some way.
We're all suffering in some way.
And yet, in the midst of it all,
there is still beauty and grace and wonder.
there is still beauty and grace and wonder.
More than ever, we need to take a moment of gratitude
and recognize a few of our Favourite Things.
and recognize a few of our Favourite Things.
Here are my
Favourite Things - March Roundup!
Favourite Things - March Roundup!
#1. Live Streaming Worship - Raise your hand if you're thankful for technology these days! For those of us who love connecting with our church community, live streaming worship has been a godsend (pun completely intended!) A big SHOUT OUT to all the church tech staff and volunteers! We're so thankful for your ministry. This Wednesday and Good Friday, we'll be live streaming worship services from our hometown of St. Catharines. You can find the details on our Facebook page and the live link will be HERE. Please join us!
#2. Hygge - The Danish concept of coziness and intimacy has recently gained legions of fans around the world, and I'm now officially on board! Hygge (pronounced "hoo-ga") inspires us to slow down, enjoy the quiet things, and find comfort in everyday living. I feel like these days of self-isolating and social distancing are just crying out for this kind of philosophy. There are lot of articles, social media groups and other resources online. I've found this little book particularly helpful.

#3. Signs of Spring - My gardening heart is finding so much bliss right now! Every day, I'm out searching for new shoots in the dirt. My crocuses had a glorious display and as I'm writing this, my daffodils have just started their bright parade of colour. I know many of you are still buried in snow! But please know that the world continues to turn in the right direction. Spring is our Season of Hope! I pray you're seeking joy and new life in the world around you...
#4. Poetry - I love reading fiction and non-fiction alike (you can find my 2019 reading list HERE), but I recently decided to expand my repertoire with poetry. I thought I'd be alone in this venture, but simply asking for a few recommendations on Facebook inspired a long list of passionate suggestions! Reading poetry during this time is encouraging me to slow down and be mindful of the beauty around me. I've particular fallen in love with the writings of Mary Oliver. I'd love to hear your suggestions!
On a personal note:
We are one of many music groups affected by the closure of churches
and banning of community gatherings.
As you can imagine, this is having a serious impact on our creativity and livelihood.
We are one of many music groups affected by the closure of churches
and banning of community gatherings.
As you can imagine, this is having a serious impact on our creativity and livelihood.
We would love for you to please consider offering some support to our ministry this season:
These are my Favourite Things for March!
Have you tried any of these?
What new things have you fallen in love with this month?
Please share in the comments below...