I got my good night's sleep last night, which was a real blessing. After an easy morning, we went over to the Kentucky Expo Center to load in our stuff. When we had everything moved into our booth space, I left Gerald there so I could take the car back to the parking area. Well, I got caught in the long twisty-turny one-way road that drives round and round the expo grounds. It reminded me of that scene in European Vacation where the Griswolds get caught in a British driving circle and Clark keeps saying "Big Ben ... Parliament".
Back to the booth: It took a bit to figure out how to balance the two banners plus the table plus all our other stuff, but in the end, I think it looks great! We had a bit of time before the hall opened, so after a snack (ribbon fries!), we wandered out to hear a bit of the afternoon showcase. We didn't get to hear many of the regional singers, but we did catch the performance of the King's Herald's which was great.
The exhibit hall is open from 4-11:30pm each night, which went quickly today. There are lots of Stamps-Baxter people here, so there were mini-reunions all day. My friends, John and Mary, are working for a radio station, so I did a radio interview with them. We had several DJs drop by, so we were able to pass on our music to them. I also did a "Rob TV" - a four-minute video interview with Rob Patz of SGM Radio.com. I'll post a link when it's posted online.
The rest of the day was just spent visiting and chatting with people. I didn't get to see any of the mainstage performances tonight, so I'm going to try and see a few groups tomorrow night. I'm so happy to be here this week. I'm proud of the music and message we're promoting, and let's face it - I just love being around anything Southern Gospel!
Shot of the Day - Fabulous Booth 448!

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