Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rehearsal, mixes, and turkey.

"Got kind of tired of packing and unpacking, town to town, up and down the dial..."

That song has been in my head all night! We're having birthday company over the next few days, so I wanted to get the boxes in some kind of "order" and have the house look more like a home and less like a storehouse. Exhausted now!

We had a great rehearsal at St. John's tonight. Sunday morning, the team will be me, Gerald, Monique, Michelle Pillar on vocals, and Chris McKhool on fiddle and guitar. Tonight was our first time working as a group, and it was great!

During communion, we're going to do Gerald's new chorus "For God so Loved the World". The fiddle solo really lifts the whole thing!

In other news, I am days away from finishing my hymns CD! Finally, finally, finally! For a while, the frustration was all I felt, but now, I am truly excited again. The mixes sound wonderful, I have someone lined up for mastering and graphics, and I'll have CDs in hand by the end of next week. Can not wait!!!

After celebrating American Thanksgiving over the past 3 years, I found myself craving sweet potato casserole and deep-fried turkey this week. I am so thankful that I have friends on both sides of the border. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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