I'd Rather Be Reading
- The Delights And Dilemmas
Of The Reading Life
With a title like this, how could I resist?
As soon as I saw I'd Rather Be Reading on the review list, I ordered my copy. I've been dipping my toe into the e-book world over the last few years, but something told me that this one would be best read in hardcopy, and it was definitely the right call.
This sweet collection of essays is written by a reader, for readers. If you love books, reading, bookstores, libraries, book clubs, book shelves and all aspects of literary life, this wee tome is for you.
I wasn't familiar with Anne Bogel's work before this, but I'm curious to look into her blog, podcast, and other writings.
It can be quickly read in one sitting, or devoured over a few days in bite-sized portions.
I started it last week, but finally finished it by sitting up late this week, reading well past midnight by the light of the Christmas tree. Somehow, I felt Anne might approve...
If you love books, you'll love I'd Rather Be Reading. I might even recommend buying several copies - one for yourself, and ones to give your other reading friends.
I received this book to review from the Nuts About Books Blogger Program and Graf-Martin Communications Inc. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
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