Since the pandemic hit, I've had no head for reading non-fiction.
I'm devouring fiction and poetry like they're freshly baked chocolate chip cookies (mmmm, cookies!) but non-fiction has just become a slog. Still, I keep at it.
When I saw this book for review, I decided to give it a go.
I mean, with a title like this, it has to be fun, right?
Well, I'm thrilled to say I inhaled this book!
That Sounds Fun is the next step in Annie F. Downs' mission to help us all find the fun in our lives. Based on her hit podcast, That Sounds Fun is an exploration of the many and varied ways we can incorporate joy into the everyday. We all know that something is missing in this world, a brokenness we all struggle to define. For Annie, fun isn't petty or frivolous. What if discovering what each of us, uniquely and individually, finds fun is actually necessary to filling that empty space? What if seeking fun is the pathway back to Eden?
The book is divided into five main sections:
What Sounds Fun To You?
The Joys of Being an Amateur
The Power of Falling in Love
Why You Need a Hobby
Chase the Fun
Each chapter tells easy, relatable stories of exploring fun in different ways. It's easy to see why Annie is such a successful communicator. I chose not to listen to her podcast until I was finished the book, but even so, I could still hear her voice while I was reading. She really is (to use her own description) "... a friend you can have coffee with and sometimes talk about the Bible."
My favourite section was Why You Need a Hobby because a few years ago,
I needed a hobby!
Somewhere, along the way, probably while moving 7 times in 9 years, my hobbies got sidelined. Not cancelled completely, but tucked away in a box for special occasions. When we bought our house and I realized we weren't going to move for a while, I decided it was time to crack open that box. Over the last 5 years, I've completely re-fallen-in-love with painting, crafting, reading, and gardening. My hobbies bring me joy, and I've found new ways I can use them to bless other people.
More importantly, when the world stopped and
live performing was banned and we were grounded,
my hobbies were there to save my life.
We're still in a pandemic. We're still grounded. We're all still struggling.
More than ever, we need to find the things that fill us with joy.
We need to connect with the Creator.
I can't think of a better time for the world to receive the gift of That Sounds Fun.
So grab a soft blanket, draw an extra-long espresso,
balance a puppy and a plate of cookies on your lap,
and dig into this inspiring new book.
Because if you ask me, "That sounds fun..."
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.